
International Cargo Transport Company

Explore Cargo Transport System activities within planning, transport modeling, design, construction supervision and management services.
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USA, New York - 1060 Str. First Avenue 1


Let the numbers speak for themselves


Delivered packages


Countries covered


Tons of goods

Our list of services does not end here. We’ll adapt to your particular needs.

Why Professional Logistics?
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Know Why People Choose Professional Logistics for Goods Transport There a lot of organizations that endow the customers with finest and suitable logistic services can significantly trim down a company’s operating cost on goods transport. While this great decline might be unrelated for the short-distance shifting of parcels and goods, it holds an important part …

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Road Safety
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Importance of Road Safety Road safety is the safety of people from road side injuries and accidents. It is the prevention and protection of road accidents by using all the road safety measures. Every person going on the road has a risk of injury or death. Such as pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, passengers, etc. It is said …

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Tanzania Transport
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Tanzania Transport The Tanzanian transport sector comprises surface transport (including roads, railways), inland waterways (lakes and rivers), air transport, and sea transport. Tanzania’s transport sector contributed 8.1% to the country’s real GDP in 2018 with USD 3.8 billion, compared to USD 2.8 billion in 2014, representing an increase of 33%. Main growth drivers include the …

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We provide full assistance in freight and warehousing

Air Freight

Best solutions for unexpected circumstances in which speed is a top priority.

Ocean Freight

The best alternative for transporting large amounts of freight at competitive prices.

Road Freight

We offer reliable road freight services in cooperation with our strong partner network.

LTL Shipping

Best choise when shipment does not require a full truckload, or if you are shipping product samples to commercial or residential addresses.

Railway Freight

We work with all international railway station to guarantee that your load will safely reach.

Projects and Fine Art

Individual solutions that always tailored for freight transport projects with special needs.


We offer a state of the art, fully secured warehouse , so that your business is always protected.

Custom Brokerage

With AEO status, we provides faster processing of customs documents and goods, in priority order.

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