
Tanzania Transport

Tanzania Transport

The Tanzanian transport sector comprises surface transport (including roads, railways), inland waterways (lakes and rivers), air transport, and sea transport. Tanzania’s transport sector contributed 8.1% to the country’s real GDP in 2018 with USD 3.8 billion, compared to USD 2.8 billion in 2014, representing an increase of 33%. Main growth drivers include the increase in the number of passengers carried and freight handled through road transport. According to Tanzania’s 2025 Development Vision, investments in infrastructure, particularly in the development of the road network, are the Government’s top priority. The World Bank (WB) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) support Tanzania in achieving its infrastructure development goals by providing grants and credits for projects.

Tanzania Road Transport

Road transport is the most widely used form of transport in Tanzania, carrying over 90% of the passengers and 75% of the freight traffic in the country. The road network in Tanzania currently comprises 86,472 kilometers of roads, of which 12,786 kilometers are trunk roads, 21,105 kilometers are regional roads and the remaining 52,581 kilometers are district, urban and feeder roads. Tanzania’s Ministry of Works, Transport, and Communication through the Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) is managing the national road network of about 33,891 kilometers, comprising 12,786 kilometers of trunk and 21,105 kilometers of regional roads. The remaining network of about 53,460 kilometers of urban, district and feeder roads is under the responsibility of the Prime Minister’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PMO-RALG).

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